Events & News

Term Dates

Autumn Term 2024

Dancing starts again on Wednesday 11th September and finishes with party night on the 18th December.

Winter Term 2025

Term starts on Wednesday 8th January and finishes on 14th May. We don’t have an Easter break.

Burns Night Ceilidh

This will take place on Saturday 25th January 2025. Tickets will be on sale nearer the time.

Spring Fling 2025

This will take place on Saturday 5th April 2025. Tickets will be on sale nearer the time.

Payment Details

We appreciate payment for membership fees and tickets by bank transfer. It helps to keep the bank charges down. Our bank details are:

Account Name – Harrogate Saltire SCDC

Bank – HSBC Business Account

Sort Code – 40-26-20

Account Number – 31284134