About us & Contact

Harrogate Saltire Scottish Country Dance Club

The Club was first formed in 1982. Its aim is to promote the enjoyment of Scottish Country Dancing to as many people as possible. We are always welcoming to new people, young and old, who want to come along and try Scottish Country Dancing. We are affiliated to The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, which is based in Edinburgh and has branches across the globe.

We run 3 main dancing events in the year attended by our members and other clubs. We organise a trip to a play at the Harrogate Theatre, with a meal beforehand. There is also a Summer walk in June.

There are many dances held by other clubs around Yorkshire and further afield; if you are really keen you could be dancing every weekend as well!!

(See events page for dates of our dances)

Contact us

We meet on a Wednesday evening at St Wilfrids church hall, Duchy Road, Harrogate. HG1 2EY. We arrive from 7.30pm and aim to start dancing by 7.45pm.  We have a break for tea and biscuits at about 9pm and finish at 10pm.

Any dancers visiting the area from other clubs in the UK or from abroad are very welcome to come along on a Wednesday night to dance with us.

President  –  Ian Brown     01423 567576

Secretary –  Alison Boughton     01423 610811

Teacher    –  Betty Hagart          01423 521241

Treasurer  –  Michael Franklin   01765 600793

Payment Details

We appreciate payment for membership fees and tickets by bank transfer. It helps to keep the bank charges down. Our bank details are:

Account Name – Harrogate Saltire SCDC

Bank – HSBC Business Account

Sort Code – 40-26-20

Account Number – 31284134

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